Earth Celebration 2022 COVID-19 Countermeasures

Updated on Aug. 11, 2022. (Updates are marked in red).

We want to make sure that people who attend Earth Celebration (EC), the locals here on Sado Island, and everyone involved in the festival, are safe and feel at ease at this year’s event. So the EC Committee has created and will follow strict COVID-19 countermeasure protocols.

If you plan to attend EC in person this year, please read the guidelines below. It is important that everyone who will attend understands these guidelines properly beforehand.

Please note that changes in regional infection rates may cause us to review certain parts of these guidelines. We will make sure that any updates are clearly marked.

※These protocols are fundamental countermeasures based on the government’s May 23, 2022 “Points to Consider Regarding Special Event Restrictions in Areas Other than Specified Prefectures and Priority Measure Zones” and COVID-19 prevention guidelines used by a range of industries.

Requests to All Attendees

(1) Please get a COVID-19 test before traveling to Sado Island for EC 2022
Sado is a remote island with very limited medical resources, which cannot handle an influx of non-resident COVID-19 cases. To prevent overwhelming demand on Sado Island’s health system, we kindly ask that everyone traveling to Sado Island to attend Earth Celebration gets a PCR test or RAT beforehand.
Please see here for details.

If you have any of the following symptoms or circumstances in the 7 days before EC, please refrain from attending EC.
1. A fever of 37.5 degrees or above.
2. Cold symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, etc.
3. Feeling sluggish (sense of fatigue), difficulty breathing.
4. An abnormal sense of smell or taste.
5. Feeling your body is heavy, or that you tire easily.
6. Been in close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19.
7. Live with, or been close to, a person suspected of having COVID-19.
8. Have visited a country or region within the past 14 days from which the government has restricted entry, or from which the government has deemed it necessary to monitor your health upon reentry to Japan, or been in close contact with someone who has traveled to or lives in the aforementioned places.

We recommend using a tracing app such as COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application (COCOA) or Niigata COVID-19 Notification System.

◉ During EC

Outdoor Event Venue Info
Outdoor Cinema and Harbour Concert Venue
Outdoor Cinema will have all free seating and the Harbour Concerts will have all reserved seating.
・During the screening/performance, the organizers will ensure that physical distance between people is maintained. For the Outdoor Cinema, the audience will be seated on the lawn. For the Harbour Concerts, Area S ticket holders will be seated on the lawn and Area A ticket holders will be seated on chairs.
・The organizers will ensure that physical distance between the stage and the front row is maintained (minimum of 2m).
・The organizers will ensure that physical distance is maintained between audience members as they queue to enter the venue or at booths inside the venue.

Harbour Market
This is a pop-up market in Ogi Port Park where people can buy general goods at tent stalls and food & drink at food trucks. This area is also the entrance to the Outdoor Cinema and Harbour Concert venue.
・Everyone who enters the park will have their temperature checked and be asked to use hand sanitizer.
・When eating and drinking within the Harbour Market, please be mindful of those around you. While you are eating and drinking, please sit apart from others, remain seated, and refrain from talking. When you are talking, please make sure you are wearing a mask.
・There will be no alcohol sold at Harbour Market this year. Bringing alcoholic beverages into Harbour Market is also prohibited.

Fringe Performance Venue
This is an event stage at Kisaki Shrine with free performances.
・Everyone who enters the shrine area during the Fringe events will have their temperature checked and be asked to use hand sanitizer.

Sado Experience Program Venues
Sea Kayak Experience
・All participants will have their temperature checked and be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before boarding the shuttle bus at Marine Plaza Ogi. All participants will be asked to use hand sanitizer again when they enter Ogi Diving Center.
・While out on the water, masks are not required.
・During the kayak tour, the organizer will endeavor to keep participants from different groups separate.

Indoor Event Venue Info
Sado Island Taiko Centre (Tatakokan) and Ayusu Hall
・Workshop instructors will sanitize their hands before and after each workshop and wear a mask or mouth shield during the workshop.
・Workshops will be carried out with open windows for ventilation.
・Drumsticks and taiko will be disinfected before and after use.

Marine Plaza Ogi
This venue will have an information counter, ticket counter, and radio broadcasts on the 1st floor, and EC Shop, workshops, and talk events on the 2nd floor.
・Everyone entering the building will have their temperature checked and be asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

Shukunegi Community Hall
This venue will host the Puppet Theater performance.
・Everyone entering the building will have their temperature checked and be asked to use hand sanitizer.
・This event will be carried out with open windows for ventilation.
・Seats will be spaced out.
・During the puppeteer experience corner, the instructors will wear masks.

We kindly ask for your cooperation with the following procedures, rules, and requests at EC to help prevent droplet and contact infection.
1. Staff will check the temperature of every person at the ticket counter before selling tickets and before people enter the Harbour Market area and indoor event venues.
2. Everyone must wear a mask at all EC events. The organizers may make exceptions in certain circumstances, e.g.: outdoors when patrons have physical distance between them and they are not talking, for heat stroke prevention, for small children, etc.
3. Please wash and sanitize your hands regularly.
4. If deemed necessary on the day, please share your name and contact details with staff on arrival at the venue. (※)
5. During the cinema and concert events, please refrain from speaking loudly or cheering.
6. Please refrain from eating and drinking at the concert venues and indoor event venues. Bringing alcoholic beverages into the venues is prohibited. (However, water and soft drinks for hydration purposes will be permitted to help prevent heat stroke.)
7. When eating and drinking within the Harbour Market, please be mindful of those around you.
・There will be no alcohol sold at Harbour Market this year.
・Bringing alcoholic beverages into Harbour Market and the event venues is prohibited.
・Please refrain from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly.

・When you are talking, please make sure you are wearing a mask.

(※) If anyone at EC is found to have COVID-19, EC Committee will share their contact details with local health care centers and public agencies as required. If a public agency directs us to contact EC ticket holders in regards to COVID-19, we will do so promptly. Your personal information will be handled in strict accordance with the Kodo Group Privacy Policy.

◉After EC

If you become infected with COVID-19 within two weeks after attending EC, please inform the EC Committee promptly.

Earth Celebration Committee Tel. 0259-81-4100 (Mon-Fri 9:30–17:00) Email:

Please note that the organizers may refuse entry to anyone who does not follow the guidelines listed above, or who is suspected of having COVID-19. We appreciate your understanding.

Other Basic COVID-19 Countermeasures in Place at EC

・Avoiding the 3 Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings).
・Prevention measures against droplet and contact infection.
・Strict disinfection practices.
・Strict health management and checks.
・Commitment to sharing information with the public.
・Prepared response plan in case of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases.

Performers and Staff COVID-19 Prevention Measures

1. In the Lead Up to EC Events

・Performers and all staff involved in EC events will undergo regular temperature and health checks. Any performers or staff members who do not comply with the checks will be excluded from working at EC. If anyone is found to have a fever or to be unwell, they will be removed from the team.
・If any performers or staff members have COVID-19 symptoms two weeks or less before EC, the organizers will promptly contact health authorities to report the situation and seek advice, which may result in cast or staff changes.

2. On the Day of EC Events
・If a performer or staff member develops a fever or becomes unwell, they will be stood down from their scheduled appearance or duty at EC.
・Staff will wear a face mask or face shield at all times.
・Staff will avoid crowding together while carrying out their duties, especially in indoor spaces such as rehearsal and meeting rooms. All spaces used by staff will be equipped with sanitation supplies.
・If any performers or staff are found to have COVID-19, and a cluster outbreak becomes a concern due their number of close contacts, the organizers will reconsider whether the remaining concerts can be held or not.

If any EC event staff, performers, audiences members, or press members are found with symptoms COVID-19 symptoms, the person in charge of that particular event area will:
*take all necessary steps to secure the area.
*have the suspected case escorted to their home (if nearby) or a designated quarantine space.
*seek advice from local health authorities.
*request a medical examination for the suspected case.

These guidelines were created to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone involved with Earth Celebration this year. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.